We are proud to announce that the members of AAStL have published a book! ---
Fifty Years of History and Studies of The Astrological Association of St. Louis
by The Members of The Astrological Association of St. Louis
The 272-page book presents the history of the organization, astrology education basics, and selections from our many educational presentations over the last 50 years.
Get your copy and revisit a program. Or read about one you weren't able to attend because you had a previous engagement or maybe you weren't born yet. Either way it will be a joy.
If you are an AAStL member you will receive a free copy of the book. To purchase copies for your loved ones go to... https://a.co/d/93BP7lL
Updated 29 January
On Sunday, February 9, at 2pm on Zoom, our guest speaker will be Andrea Gehrz of Portland, Oregon, presenting "ASTROLOGICAL REMEDIATION". From Andrea - Do you have a difficult natal aspect? Do you struggle to help clients in hard transits? This webinar will provide you the theory and methodology behind a study called Astrological Remediation. Remediation is the act of healing or fixing anything tough in an astrological chart. Topics will include a myriad of ideas — including but not limited to gemstone remedies, appropriate activities and contexts for certain aspects, strategic planning, using composites as remedies, yoga, and much, much more. This class will build on the popular textbook, entitled Astrological Remediation: A Guide for the Modern Practitioner. There is always a solution! Find the book here.
Andrea Gehrz Bio
Nowadays, Andrea can be found at the Moira Press, running a bookstore and events space/school. Through the daily events at the Moira Press, astrologers from all over the globe read high level textbooks, have deep discussions about the topic of the week, learn to read their own charts, become better astrologers, and much more. Andrea is also available for Astrology Readings, Tutoring, and one-on-one mentoring.
Email Andrea at agehrz@gmail.com for Astrology Readings-- Natal Chart, Transits, Relationship, Children, Any Inquiry…$114, or to get on her mailing list. Friend her at Facebook to talk to her daily. Send a friend request to Andrea Gehrz. Her website is andreagehrz.com .
On Sunday, March 16, at 2pm, Phoenix Novak will facilitate on Zoom a Roundtable Discussion of NEPTUNE IN ARIES. Join Phoenix in this open Roundtable group discussion of Neptune entering Aries on the 30th of March 2025, staying until the 22nd of October 2025, before returning to Aries for good on January 26, 2026 (until 2039). From Phoenix - This transition will have an impact on the Cardinal signs (just as it did on the Mutable signs that started in 2012). Neptune's state of consciousness, the unconscious, delusion, inspiration, dreaming, mysticism, and the all-important negative and positive escapism meets Aries' action, aggression, assertiveness, competitiveness, conquests, and courage. The Saturn–Neptune conjunction will also have an influencing impact, which starts in July of 2025, then the exact conjunction at 0° Aries on February 20, 2026 bringing heavy masculine energies to the forefront. We see a little bit of this already starting with the conflict between Elon Musk, MAGA, and Trump. The last time Neptune entered Aries was in 1861, the same year the American Civil War started, then the Reconstruction era, and in 1865 the assassination of President Lincoln. That Neptune-Aries journey ended in 1874.
The vast Neptunian landscape is made up of karma, hidden quicksand, self-undoing, and the foggy mist entering our mind-body functions which can be triggering. Neptune reveals itself very slowly, guiding us toward self-awareness in order to make changes to maintain balance and unity. If we refuse, we may find ourselves in Neptune's prison for a duration of time and wonder how we ended up there.-
The Zoom link and chart handouts will be emailed to members and guests by Saturday, March 15.
Our current schedule for 2025 can be found here.
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OUR EMAIL ADDRESS: Inquiries about membership, astrological services, and free Zoom program invitations may be emailed to AstrologyStLouis@gmail.com . Further information about membership can be found here.
OUR MAILING ADDRESS: Inquiries, $25 annual membership dues may be mailed to:
AAStL, PO Box 31032, St Louis, MO 63131
On Sunday, January 26, Audria Gebhardt and Nikki Davenport presented on Zoom "WELCOME TO 2025," highlighting astrological events for the coming year—aspects, eclipses, planetary sign changes, and more.
From Nikki: - Discover how to move forward into the upcoming NEW YEAR path with wisdom and self-awareness! We are the choice makers and we will explore YEAR 2025 and learn how to apply the planetary information of cosmic time-keeping. Whatever level of astrological expertise, from beginner to professional, you will participate in new methods to successfully time your yearly movements and have at your fingertips the important cosmic energies throughout 2025. -
Supplemental presentation materials were emailed to members and guests on January 24 and January 27.
On Sunday, December 29, 2024, Ellen Bartin presented on Zoom “BEING IN YOUR ELEMENT: Fire, Earth, Air & Water." Are you high spirited, or a pragmatist, a thinker-communicator, or emotionally intelligent? We are, of course, combinations of all these fundamental human qualities. In this workshop, we looked at the planets and signs in our birth chart—and calculated the balance—where we express ourself most comfortably, dynamically. How do the elements express themselves and what occurs if there is a singleton or missing element? What is the dominant or under-represented element in the chart: Fire (action oriented), Earth (sensing, practical), Air (aware and relational), or Water (feeling and intuitive)? Ellen's elements worksheet was emailed to members and guests on Friday, December 27. Thank you, Ellen!
AAStL celebrated its 50th ANNIVERSARY on the afternoon of November 17th, when we gathered for a Celebration and Reunion at the Sky Music Lounge in Ballwin. It was a fun time with a diversity of delicious celebratory cakes from The Cup and a very enjoyable astro music playlist assembled by Rachel McCabe ... thanks to all who participated in person and on Zoom!
On Sunday, October 27 we met on Zoom, looking at candidates' charts and the U.S. Sibley chart in relation to the November U.S. Presidential Election. Charts, biographies, and additional information were presented by Nikki Davenport, Wendy Jamison, and Audria Gebhardt. Thank you for your research and excellent presentations, Nikki, Wendy, and Audria!
Related to this topic is an article written by Christine Arens entitled, "Donald Trump's Birth Time Mystery": https://library.keplercollege.org/donald-trump-birthtime/
On Sunday, September 15, we met at Love Park in West County for a picnic and social hour, followed by TEACHING TABLES: Ellen Bartin led a table for Beginners on Signs, Planets and Houses, and Rachel McCabe led a table about Asteroids, including Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, Chiron and Hygiea.
On August 25, Nikki Davenport presented on Zoom Part 2 of her July program on Saturn in Pisces, entitled, "JUPITER SQUARE SATURN: THE HUMANITARIAN PLANETS SHOUT LOUDLY: An Astrological Online Playshop."
“During this time we will make many adjustments in our lives!”
From Nikki - Jupiter and Saturn are known as the “Social" or “Identity” forming planets. They work through the group psyche archetypes with emergence into consciousness and they both have loud thundering voices! Jupiter, the symbol of youth and renewal, in his retrograde shadow between 14-18 Gemini begins to square Saturn, the Lord of Time, in Pisces. This will last on and off until July 2025. Jupiter brings boundless ideas and personal breakthroughs. Saturn calls on us to make the effort and stay realistic. Jupiter wants us to learn and Saturn expects us to be here and now.
Join us to learn how to handle “Jupiter square Saturn” rough patches, how to find our vision and/or our ambition in midst of the upcoming agitation, and how to keep the momentum in our own hands! We will explore how to brave the T-Square storms in August and September. A peek at dates:
Jupiter 17 Gemini square Saturn 17 Pisces R on August 19, 2024
Jupiter 14 Gemini R square Saturn 14 Pisces on December 24, 2024
Jupiter 1 Cancer square Saturn 1 Aries on June 15, 2025
On July 21, we met on Zoom for Nikki Davenport's presentation of "SATURN IN PISCES: An Astrological Online Playshop." From Nikki - Join us for a romp on the seashore. We will play with the seashells, rest in the Sun, and find out what Saturn is doing as he moves through the sign Pisces. He is traveling in Pisces from March 7, 2023 to May 24, 2025 and again will travel there from August 31, 2025 to February 13, 2026. In mythology Saturn is identified with the Greek God, Cronus, the God of Time. Saturn's evolutionary lesson is "FAITH." Pisces is the "Wandering Minstrel." Pisces calls the seafarers, guides, mystics, poets, and romantics. The Sirens sing. We have an unusual path ahead. Come learn how to work with the God of Time in his Pisces digs and how Saturn, swimming in the spiritual waters, will be working in your personal chart. We will include Saturn adventures in 2025 and beginning of 2026 when we start a new World Journey, as Saturn meets NEPTUNE at 0 Aries. - Nikki will present Part 2 of Saturn in Pisces on Sunday, August 25.
On Saturday, July 6, members of The Astrological Association of St. Louis provided MINI ASTROLOGICAL READINGS at Pathways New Age Books, Music and Gifts, 11419 Concord Village Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63123. Our thanks go to the Pathways staff and to our readers Blue, Anna Felixidocious, Audria Gebhardt, Wendy Jamison, Rachel McCabe, Mary Seib, and Linda Sherwin.
On Sunday, June 23, we met on Zoom for our Annual Meeting and election of officers and directors, followed by a presentation by Blue entitled, "HEARTS' DESIRE IN THE STARS: SOULMATES AND ASTROLOGY." Blue presented Composite, Synastry, and Natal Charts for soulmates Vanity and Prince, Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor, and Yoko Ono and John Lennon. Thank you, Blue, for your research, video clips, written materials, and interesting discussion!
On Sunday, May 19, we met at Greentree Park in Kirkwood for a picnic and social hour, followed by our program presented by Audria Gebhardt entitled "ECLIPSES 2024 AND 2025." From Audria - Eclipses repeat themselves with the same degree and sign every 18 or 19 years and we want to look at how we experienced the eclipses we have this year, especially the 19 degree Aries Total Solar Eclipse that we were fortunate to see in our area. - Thank you for sharing your research and your handy charts, Audria!
On Sunday, April 14, we met on Zoom when Linda Sherwin presented "JUPITER AND URANUS MEET IN TAURUS: A PARADIGM SHIFT!" From Linda: - The Extraordinary Sequence of Events in March and April will culminate in the Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction on April 20. Are you ready for a breakthrough? - Thank you, Linda, for your excellent slides and for your research into historic paradigm shifts during more than two centuries of Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions!
On Sunday, March 17, we met at Kirkwood Community Center for two brief programs. Linda Chambers facilitated a roundtable discussion of AAStL's natal chart, with brief looks at its 2023 and 2024 Solar Returns (49th and 50th solar returns). Dee Kedley presented from a Vedic astrology perspective, "TITHI – THE LUNAR DAY." Tithi is the angular distance between the longitude of the Sun and Moon measured in 12-degree increments, from New Moon to Full Moon and from Full Moon to New Moon. Thank you, Dee, and to all who participated in the roundtable discussion! Charts and handouts were emailed to members on Thursday March 14.
On February 11 we met on Zoom for a Roundtable Discussion of "PLUTO ENTERING AQUARIUS" facilitated by Phoenix Novak. From Phoenix: - Pluto, the planet of transformation, death, and rebirth now leaves the very Earthy and Materialistic sign of Capricorn and enters the Airy sign of Aquarius. How we looked at our world through the eyes of Capricorn was a long journey, and now Pluto enters the reality of Aquarius, bringing personal and collective truth, the fates of humanity, and the winds of change to our door. - Participants shared transiting and natal Pluto's location and aspects in their natal charts. Thank you, Phoenix, and all who participated!
On January 21, 2024, we met on Zoom for "WELCOME TO 2024" presented by Audria Gebhardt and Nikki Davenport, who highlighted astrological events for the coming year—aspects, eclipses, planetary sign changes, and more.
From Nikki: - Discover how to move forward into the upcoming NEW YEAR path with wisdom and self-awareness! We are the choice makers and we will explore YEAR 2024 and learn how to apply the planetary information of cosmic time-keeping. Whatever level of astrological expertise, from beginner to professional, you will participate in new methods to successfully time your yearly movements and have at your fingertips the important cosmic energies throughout 2024. -
Audria presented information on planetary configurations and aspects and included the Sibley USA natal chart in her presentation of planetary transits for the year. She prepared a condensed 2024 outer planet ephemeris that was emailed to members and guests on Saturday, January 20. Thank you, Audria and Nikki, for sharing your research and materials!
A schedule of previous years' presentation topics can be found here.
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Listed below are some online classes and articles of interest.
Astrology University offers online seminars and coursework, and has videos available on their YouTube channel at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC3Y0tVCyfOZiXTaUbQqPhg
Kepler College offers free webinars at https://www.keplercollege.org/free-webinars/ and videos at their YouTube page https://www.youtube.com/user/keplercollege as well as astrology courses, webinars, workshops, and diploma and certificate programs, at https://keplercollege.org .
Online Astrology courses and webinars are available from
International Academy of Astrology: https://astrocollege.org .
Ray Merriman, the world's leading Financial Astrologer, discusses the 2020 pandemic, economy, financial markets, and outer planet transits, as well as his 50-plus-year study and practice of astrology, in this one-hour interview that begins at minute 4:58:
An astrological perspective on the virus pandemic, in a Mountain Astrologer article written by St. Louis native Arielle Guttman of Santa Fe, New Mexico, using the 12/31/19 discovery announcement date: https://mountainastrologer.com/tma/a-look-at-coronavirus-with-a-view-from-the-stars
Recently added to our Resources page under Useful Links:
GeoDateTime - Daily Planetary Hours plus rise and set times, for St. Louis
In 2025, AAStL members and guests are meeting monthly on a Sunday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. either via Zoom or in-person, with an occasional outdoor picnic and program.
Members receive email invitations and free admission to all regular monthly programs, with lending library privileges and more. If you are interested in joining our organization, please review our Bylaws and Statement of Ethics and email us at AstrologyStLouis@gmail.com . We will then mail or email you an application for membership which you may mail to us with a check or money order for $25 annual membership dues payable to AAStL at PO Box 31032, St.Louis MO 63131 . Renewals are due in June each year.
We invite you to our discussion group page on Facebook for astrological updates and additional announcements. Do check out the services and learning opportunities offered by our individual members at their websites shown on the Resources page, at the Members' Articles page, and at our monthly meeting programs:
Sunday, February 9th meeting topic:
Benjamin Banneker -- An unsung architect of modern astrology. As practicing astrologers, one of the tools that we use regularly in our work is the Ephemeris. Have you ever wondered how such a wonderful tool came about? Well, we owe this amazing man a huge thank you for that, as well as for many other things. Come learn more about this early American mathematician, astronomer, and almanac author/ astrologer from Rashanda Jefferson, as we celebrate Black History Month!
NOTICE: This program is being postponed to a later date due to the temporary closing of the Brentwood Community Center as a community health precaution.
Meeting topic that was originally scheduled for Sunday, March 15th:
Join us as Nikki Davenport leads us in exploring the Pleiades Astrology System which is linked to the cycles of Venus, the Sacred Mayan Calendar, Aztec Calendar, and the Sacred Cherokee Integration with the Pleiades system. We will learn a new calendar based on energy, not time. "We are all parts of one human family, one body, like drops of water in the same ocean." Pia Orleane
The rescheduled date for this topic will be announced when information is available.
Updated 29 January
On Sunday, February 9, 2025, at 2pm on Zoom, our guest speaker will be Andrea Gehrz of Portland, Oregon, presenting "ASTROLOGICAL REMEDIATION". From Andrea - Do you have a difficult natal aspect? Do you struggle to help clients in hard transits? This webinar will provide you the theory and methodology behind a study called Astrological Remediation. Remediation is the act of healing or fixing anything tough in an astrological chart. Topics will include a myriad of ideas — including but not limited to gemstone remedies, appropriate activities and contexts for certain aspects, strategic planning, using composites as remedies, yoga, and much, much more. This class will build on the popular textbook, entitled Astrological Remediation: A Guide for the Modern Practitioner. There is always a solution! Find the book here.
Andrea Gehrz Bio
Nowadays, Andrea can be found at the Moira Press, running a bookstore and events space/school. Through the daily events at the Moira Press, astrologers from all over the globe read high level textbooks, have deep discussions about the topic of the week, learn to read their own charts, become better astrologers, and much more. Andrea is also available for Astrology Readings, Tutoring, and one-on-one mentoring.
Email Andrea at agehrz@gmail.com for Astrology Readings-- Natal Chart, Transits, Relationship, Children, Any Inquiry…$114, or to get on her mailing list. Friend her at Facebook to talk to her daily. Send a friend request to Andrea Gehrz. Her website is andreagehrz.com .
On Sunday, March 16, at 2pm, Phoenix Novak will facilitate on Zoom a Roundtable Discussion of NEPTUNE IN ARIES. Join Phoenix in this open Roundtable group discussion of Neptune entering Aries on the 30th of March 2025, staying until the 22nd of October 2025, before returning to Aries for good on January 26, 2026 (until 2039). From Phoenix - This transition will have an impact on the Cardinal signs (just as it did on the Mutable signs that started in 2012). Neptune's state of consciousness, the unconscious, delusion, inspiration, dreaming, mysticism, and the all-important negative and positive escapism meets Aries' action, aggression, assertiveness, competitiveness, conquests, and courage. The Saturn–Neptune conjunction will also have an influencing impact, which starts in July of 2025, then the exact conjunction at 0° Aries on February 20, 2026 bringing heavy masculine energies to the forefront. We see a little bit of this already starting with the conflict between Elon Musk, MAGA, and Trump. The last time Neptune entered Aries was in 1861, the same year the American Civil War started, then the Reconstruction era, and in 1865 the assassination of President Lincoln. That Neptune-Aries journey ended in 1874.
The vast Neptunian landscape is made up of karma, hidden quicksand, self-undoing, and the foggy mist entering our mind-body functions which can be triggering. Neptune reveals itself very slowly, guiding us toward self-awareness in order to make changes to maintain balance and unity. If we refuse, we may find ourselves in Neptune's prison for a duration of time and wonder how we ended up there.-
The Zoom link and chart handouts will be emailed to members and guests by Saturday, March 15.
On Sunday, April 27, we will meet at 2pm in Room A at the St. Louis County Library Clark Family Branch at 1640 S. Lindbergh Blvd. St. Louis MO 63131 (across from Plaza Frontenac) for a Roundtable Discussion. The topic will be announced when available.
On Sunday, May 18, we will meet at 2pm in Room A at the St. Louis County Library Clark Family Branch at 1640 S. Lindbergh Blvd. St. Louis MO 63131 (across from Plaza Frontenac). The program and presenter will be announced when available.
On Sunday, June 22, we will meet at 2pm in Room A at the St. Louis County Library Clark Family Branch at 1640 S. Lindbergh Blvd. St. Louis MO 63131 (across from Plaza Frontenac). The program and presenter will be announced when available.
1640 South Lindbergh Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri 63131, United States
To inquire about membership or to request customized services or classes, write to us at AstrologyStLouis@gmail.com or by mail: AAStL, P.O. Box 31032, St. Louis, MO 63131.
Donations to AAStL in person or mailed to P.O. Box 31032, St. Louis MO 63131, are welcome and encouraged, but are not tax-deductible.
Astrology is and has always been about our connection with the Universe. It is a divine tool which, properly used, can bring about a profound alignment between the individual and the cosmos.
Founded in 1974, the Astrological Association of St. Louis is a non-profit, benevolent, educational organization dedicated to promoting greater understanding of and research into the cosmic principles of astrology. By enhancing awareness of our cosmic potential, AAStL fosters conscious personal growth through the responsible use of this Wisdom Tool.
We request that all potential members read through our Bylaws and Statement of Ethics before submitting an application.
The Astrological Association of St. Louis keeps all members’ birth data and other personal information strictly confidential.
Members agree to do likewise with respect to such personally identifying information both for their clients and for their astrological colleagues.
Members agree to abide by generally accepted standards of ethical behavior,
• treating both clients and colleagues with the respect due to them as individuals,
• being sure to obtain their permission for any release of personal data,
• not using membership in this organization to imply any degree of astrological proficiency or certification, and
• recognizing their position of authority and responsibility as students, practitioners, and representatives of this divine science.